Why SO Sensitive?! How to Overcome or Avoid Your Dog's Food Sensitivity

The causes of food sensitivity in dogs & how to prevent or manage it.

C&F Pets

3/2/20233 min read

Perhaps you are worried that your dog’s food is making them sick? Maybe, you worried that your dog’s food could make them sick. Food sensitivity in dogs is an increasingly common issue, with symptoms varying from minor rashes to more serious issues including digestive complications, chronic ear infections, and skin problems. With the rising number of dogs suffering from food sensitivities, it is important to understand the symptoms and how to manage them. Testing for food sensitivity can help determine if your dog is reacting poorly to the food they are eating and, equally important, how they would react to foods that they have yet to consume. Yes, you read that right and don’t worry; we will dive into more on that later. The key takeaway is that it is highly recommended by most veterinarians and dog health experts to get dog food sensitivity exams. If your pup is exhibiting any signs of ill health, it may be time to investigate whether food sensitivity is the culprit. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at what food sensitivity is, what causes it, its symptoms, and what you can do to help your furry friend.

What are the symptoms of food sensitivity in dogs?

Food sensitivity in dogs is an adverse reaction to certain foods, or components of food, that affects their digestive system. While the exact cause of food sensitivities in dogs is not known, some common symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, skin irritations, and weight loss. Other signs your pet may have a food sensitivity include itchy ears, recurrent ear infections, constant licking and scratching, and poor coat quality. If your pet shows any of these symptoms, it’s important to take them to the vet for a proper diagnosis. Keep in mind that food allergies and food sensitivities are not the same, and it’s important to know the difference between the two.

What are the most common culprits of food sensitivities in dogs?

Some of the most common culprits of food sensitivities in dogs include beef, chicken, dairy products, wheat, corn, soy, and eggs. However, any ingredient in your dog’s food can potentially cause a sensitivity or allergic reaction. It is important to carefully read and understand the ingredients label of your dog’s food and treats. Consider switching to a limited ingredient or hypoallergenic diet if you suspect a food sensitivity. Your veterinarian can also help you identify potential triggers and recommend appropriate dietary changes.

How Can You Manage Your Dog’s Food Sensitivity?

When it comes to managing your dog’s food sensitivity, there are a variety of effective strategies you can employ. Firstly, taking a proactive approach by including food sensitivity tests as part of your pet’s regular preventative healthcare routine can help you identify any issues before they escalate. While veterinarians typically offer food sensitivity testing, these tests can be pricey and require a small blood sample. However, many at-home testing kits are now available that require only a few strands of hair and can provide results electronically within a few weeks.

(Recommended: Top Rated Dog Food Sensitivity Test)

If you suspect that your dog has a food sensitivity, it’s important to get them tested to identify the specific allergen that’s causing the issue. This will enable you to make targeted changes to their diet and eliminate any unnecessary ingredients that may be causing them discomfort. Working closely with your veterinarian, you can identify the problematic food or ingredient, and then adjust your dog’s diet accordingly. In some cases, a grain-free, hypoallergenic, or limited-ingredient diet may be recommended to eliminate common allergens such as wheat or grains altogether. In addition to dietary adjustments, there are a number of other steps you can take to improve your dog’s overall health and reduce their risk of developing allergies and sensitivities. Supplements, regular exercise, grooming, and dental care can all help to support your dog’s immune system and alleviate symptoms. It’s also important to monitor your dog’s weight and ensure they are maintaining a healthy weight, as excess weight can exacerbate food sensitivity symptoms. Your veterinarian may also recommend supplements or medications to help manage your dog’s symptoms.

What Can You Do Proactively?

In conclusion, food sensitivity is a common issue that many pet owners face with their dogs. The symptoms can vary from minor rashes to more serious issues including digestive problems, worsening skin conditions and ear infections. It’s important to understand the symptoms and how to manage them, as well as the common culprits of food sensitivities. Testing for food sensitivity proactively is unequivocally best practices for owners that can help determine if your dog is reacting poorly to the food they are eating and, equally important, how they would react to foods that they have a high propensity to negatively react to. Reactively, it is crucial for all pet parents to work closely with your veterinarian to make targeted changes to your dog’s diet and lifestyle, which can greatly improve their overall health and well-being. With a little extra attention and care, you can help your dog thrive and enjoy their food without any adverse reactions.

To Health & Happiness,

C&F Pets

(Also see: Products Geared for Dogs With Food Sensitivities List Here)